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Foreclosure Defense

Know your rights.


If you are facing foreclosure anywhere in north Texas, contact The Pettit Law Firm to discuss foreclosure defense.


Many foreclosures are filed in north Texas each month, and most homeowners choose to do nothing to defend their rights or their home. Many people are unsure of what to do when they fall behind on their mortgage. Perhaps the most important thing a homeowner can do is take steps to understand their legal rights and develop a plan. The Pettit Law Firm has developed unique plans for clients throughout this foreclosure crisis and is proving to be extremely effective in implementing strategies to defend foreclosure and prevent costly deficiency judgments.


If you are facing foreclosure and unsure of your options, it is important to remember the sooner you develop a strategy, the more successful your foreclosure defense strategy will be. Our team of attorneys have a wealth of experience in foreclosure defense and are ready to be your ally.


Has your lender done any of the following?


Failed to give you proper notice of the foreclosure sale?
Failed to give you credit for payments you made?
Overcharged you for late fees and other mortgage costs?
Mailed notices to the incorrect address?
Failed to accept or deny your application for a loan modification?


Our firm will carefully research the facts of your case to see if the lender has followed the proper procedure to foreclose on your home.


Julie Pettit and the attorneys at The Pettit Law Firm have obtained Temporary Restraining Orders to stop more than sixty residential and commercial foreclosures in north Texas.


Potential Case Outcomes:

Significantly reduced interest rate
Mortgage balance reduction
Elimination of past due fees or charges
Possible monetary damages

Affordable monthly payments


Want to talk about your case? Email


Or contact us at: 


The Pettit Law Firm
1900 Pearl, Suite 1740
Dallas, TX 75201
Phone: 214.329.0151
Fax: 214.329.4076


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​​​​© 2025 by The Pettit Law Firm. 


The principal offices of The Pettit Law Firm are located in Dallas, Texas. Attorney responsible for the content of this homepage: Julie Pettit. Phone: 214.329.0151 All Rights Reserved. Member of the Texas State Bar. 

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